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Novel PP Clarifier Embodies Paradigm Shift in Polymer Industry

Adeka has just launched an innovative clarifier for polypropylene (PP) with a new brand name—Transparex (product name: ADK Transparex CA Series), and has started marketing mainly in North America and Asia. ADKTransparex CA Series is expected to replace other clarifiers for PP and, additionally, allow for the expansion of PP into select applications using transparent polymers such as polystyrene (PS), polyethylene terephthalate (PET), and polycarbonate (PC). With expansion of theclarified polypropylene market, Transparex is expected to realize over JPY30 billion (US$195m) to Adeka's clarifier business and the top share in the global clarifier market by 2030.

PP clarified with Transparex is applicable for existing applications including microwaveable transparent food containers, chemically resistant medical devices, and cosmetic packaging, with best-in-class clarity and excellent physical and mechanical properties.


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